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The 17th Biometal 2025 Symposium

Following the successes of the past editions, we are proud to introduce and welcome you to the 17th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals in Cetraro, Italy, from Sunday 25 to Thursday 30, August 2025.

The 17th Biometal 2025 Symposium, will emphasize its academic-conference-style with an openly discursive format, rather than a lecture and question–answer format. This style will be completed by the traditional discussions and the unconventional daily free-time sessions early in the afternoon. Behind the presentations, this symposium aims to discuss open questions on the session topics, new approaches, background knowledge, and personal views among the participants. Furthermore, discussions at the poster session will focus on specific topics and will encourage the participants to raise critical questions or help each other advancing the field of biodegradable metals.

Looking forward to welcome you in Cetraro!

Co-Chairs - The 17th Biometal 2024 Symposium
Diego Mantovani and Frank Witte

Endorsed and Supported by

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